Native Plant Resources
Wild Seed Project (Maine-based native plants and resources)
Native Gardening Blog
- “Building Biodiverse & Climate Resilient Habitats”
- “Managing Meadows and Lawns for Beauty and Biodiversity”
- Recommended Native Plant Nurseries (or Sources) in the Maine and northeast region
National Wildlife Federation native plant-finder tool/app:
Wild Ones, a national organization that promotes native plants and native landscapes through educational programs and videos, is in the process of forming a new chapter in Maine, based in Camden. Spread the word and check out their website and programming.
North Haven Conservation Partners (NHCP), Peggy Mayfield, author: Invasives/Native Plants Brochure Link
From Peggy: “The brochure has been updated to reflect the new DO NOT BUY list and can be found on the NHCP website and at this link:”