The W.E.B.B. Initiative:
(Water, Earth, Birds & Bugs)
We are a collaborative and educational organization, catalyzed through ad hoc conversations and issues identified in the summer of 2021, all of which center around the challenges and opportunities we are facing across nature and environment, climate change, and our North Haven community. We are working to enhance collaborations, teamwork, interconnections and synergies among and across all of the wonderful efforts that so many organizations and individuals are already doing, to protect and restore land and ocean ecosystems, nature, and the positive interactions we can create between our community and the earth around us.
We hope to build a stronger “web” of support and cross-pollination of ideas and actions. We are not replacing or competing with any existing groups, nor are we asking for any monetary support. Instead, we want to leverage and highlight the synergies that come from working together, finding common purpose, and celebrating our collective strengths and passions towards common goals. We want to use these synergies to elevate education and facilitation about our environment/community challenges and opportunities, across all stakeholder groups. We are all connected, and without question, we are stronger together!